Stranded Alone

+Camilla Therese Lim
+Miss Cammy
+BIG 2-0!
+29 November 1987
+Liverpool fanatic!
+My Family & Friends
+Liverpool FC
+Steven Gerrard
+TV & Movies


+FRIENDS all 10 seasons DVD!!!!
+LFC Ladies Jacket
+A Backpack for school
+Bags Bags Bags!!
+The Body Shop Blusher Brush
+Shoes Shoes!
+Liverpool's jersey - Ladies' Wear!!
+Gerrard: My Autobiography!!
+Trip to Anfield, Liverpool!!
+Pass my exams!!!


March 2005
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Edwin & Zieg
Fat Moo Moo
Simple Plan
Siti Nuraini

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

This is funny. This guy was faking an audition for American Idol created by using his lousy voice and his humor for radio. He actually called to the radio station and asked the deejays to hear his singing 'talent'. One of the deejays told him that he could be the next William Hung!! Haha.

Forget about unhappy things!!!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 11:17 pm |

Life is fragile

These 2 days have been blowing really strong wind, it just made my hair so messy and it almost blew up my skirt!! It was so tiring to keep holding onto it and keeping my hair in place!

Today had my class photo taken, and all of us need to sit, I was at the 2nd row though. I sat at the middle, it was so squeezing! I am going to graduate soon!! So scary, I think I would be sad to leave on the last day of my school life in ITE!

I didn't get to see my beloved Wu Zun when Fahrenheit were here, he was at Tampines Mall yesterday with Ella! There were already lots of people there when I was there in the afternoon, we almost, ALMOST, wanted to queue up to see them, but we had to go back to school, so no choice! He's so handsome!!!!!

I just wasn't that crazy to go see them in IMM and buy their album, AND queued up like Eileen and Susan (haha!) , AND stood there for so many hours! But if Steven Gerrard is here together with Liverpool, I would do that too!!! LOL!

Eileen, Wu Zun came to my house after the event last night! You got no hope lah! Hahaha!!!

One saddening news, Xu Wei Lun passed away on Sunday evening, after reviving her for 2 hours, but to no hope. It was very shocking when I heard it on the news. I read it on the papers the previous day and I thought her injuries was not very serious and she would recovered. Although I don't know much about her, I still feel sad. May you rest in peace, Xu Wei Lun!

Sigh.. Life is so fragile, really really fragile....

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 8:06 pm |

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Same Old Brand New HOUSE

My house is finally done, finally! There's only one word to describe - tiring! It has been 3 freaking days. I had to wake up early on the first day, which was Thursday, my no-school-day. Then the 2nd day after I got home, I slept on the sofa while the painters were around (one of them is our relative)! Luckily, I covered my face so I didn't look that ugly when I was sleeping, and that's my mum's answer when I asked her. Lol. Today is the final day!!! I've been vacuuming the floor for these past 3 days!! Can you imagine how dirty my whole house was?!

I'm loving my house now, the brand-new colours. Wanna know what are the colours of my room and do you wanna see it? Nah.. I'm not revealing it now, because my house is still not-yet-packed, so please kindly wait patiently, I might consider it! Haha..

I'm exhausted, seriously exhausted. My 2 sisters are sleeping now, but not me!!

Accounting CA2 on Monday! I can't afford to be a cock-eyed on that day!!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 5:09 pm |

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

So You Think You Can Dance?

I was so addicted to So You Think You Can Dance?, especially in the last few episodes. My favourite dancing couple belongs to Benji (not my friend, Benji) and Donyelle, while Benji is my favourite dancer, and I'm so glad he won! Travis wasn't bad too, honestly, he's great as well, but Benji has been my favourite from the beginning of the show.

The finale - Fantastic! I love Benji and Travis' Hip Hop dance routine, very cute! And also, the top 4 finalists' dancing to 'SexyBack'! I love, love, absolutely love it!!

Benji and Travis, together they are Tranji! They are quite cute in it!

This is the 'SexyBack' routine. It's like a runway dance, very cool! Travis is great in this especially! He's the first one to walk down the 'runway'!

Isn't it great?! I definitely can't dance that way, like them!

Liverpool won Chelsea over last Saturday at Anfield! 2-0! How cool is that? I'm still very happy about it! Where are those people who criticised and looked down on Liverpool before this match?! No one dared to stand out now?!

Man Utd lost to Arsenal? Oh, so sad! I was quite surprised to see them lose, seriously.

Forget about the Sexist Beast! And also thanks to people who supported me and think that I was right! =)

My house is going to be painted with whole new colours, from tomorrow to Friday, hopefully! I can't sleep late tomorrow!! So sad.... It is going to be very dirty and would have to clear this and that! But I excited about seeing my house with new colours!


-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 9:31 pm |

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I'm so pissed, SO DAMN PISSED!!! I've just came across a guy who is a SEXIST, and moreover, he's in my MSN contact!

He's not a friend, and I don't even remember why and when did he add me in it ( definitely not vice versa!!) . As some of you might have known, I'm a Liverpool fanatic, and I've changed my MSN nick a little to 'I Love Liverpool' these three words. Then this particular guy, who claimed himself as a 'Real Liverpool fan', messaged me. He asked me at the beginning which one am I in the picture with my sisters that I put it as my display picture, I didn't tell him because I'm so sick of this guy, so let's call him a Sexist Fucker ( I would never ever be kind to this type of guy!).

Sexist Fucker: What u like abt Liverpool?
Me: Everything.
Sexist Fucker: Really? Who is Liverpool's reserve goalkeeper? Who is Liverpool's assistant manager?
Me: Pako is the assistant manager. Reserve goalkeeper should be David Martin. U ain't a Liverpool fan. U don't need to test me.
Sexist Fucker: What size of boots Steven Gerrard wears? I am, tats why im testing u.
Me: I don't believe u.
Sexist Fucker: What size of boots Steven Gerrard wears? Dunno right? Call urself a Liverpool hardcore fan. hahahaha
Me: Oh.. then why dun u tell me? U can say what u want.
Sexist Fucker: Really? He wears UK size 9. Oh my god, u dunno? (As if he's the GOD!)
Me: And? So? Anymore?
Sexist Fucker: Please Liverpool fan. hahahaha (Ha my fucking foot!!!) We real fan criticise u, not Liverpool.
Me: Yucks! U're not great at all, dude! Bullshit!
Sexist Fucker: If im great i will be in Liverpool first team, missy (obviously he thinks all women are nurses!).
Me: I dun see u as a player, and I dun mean that way. U think too much.
Sexist Fucker: Then? Why u say im bullshit?
Sexist Fucker: Then tell me, the different (it's 'difference', bastard!) bet 4-4-2 and 5-3-2. Real fan Cammy (I got goosebumps when he called my name! Ew ew ew ew ew!).
Me: The formations lah!
Sexist Fucker: Chey i also noe.
Me: Then what?!
Sexist Fucker: Please more in depth.
Me: If u're a real Liverpool fan then u won't be criticising other Liverpool fans. Liverpool fans dun do that kind of thing.
Sexist Fucker: Aiyo cant say liao use this kind of tatics. i 3 yo used before liao leh.
Me: Oh. So i think u're 2 years old now.
Sexist Fucker: Nah.
Me: 1 years old then.
Sexist Fucker: U jus enjoy watching handsome men sweat and puff and pant, thats why glued u to the seat of every liverpool matches. u noe nuts abt soccer. perhaps frm show shaolin soccer bah lol.
Me: I even know peanuts. So not funny. 'lol'? lol my foot!
Sexist Fucker: yea i want to tell u this, my toes r luffing when i heard u r liverpool fan
Me: Oh.. so u're a bad guy, a not-gentlemen guy, will criticise woman, SEXIST to be exact. And this is the first time I've heard ppl have more than one mouth!!! How amazing!!!

He didn't reply me for about 10 minutes, then finally, but he replied real slow.

Sexist Fucker: no la i dun criticise women leh. i criticise u :)
Me: I know u're a sexist.
Sexist Fucker: nah
Me: U think every women watch football becos of handsome guys. Dun deny it. This is not the first time i've heard abt this, most guys think they know everything but not women.
Sexist Fucker: The point is u cant ans liverpool related questions, even knowledge on soccer.
Me: What questions can't i ans? U think u know all the things, u can be a coach then, if u ain't good enough to be a player. But then i think u won't be qualified, cos u're still not good enough.
Sexist Fucker: Haha. u really can drag. from liverpool to soccer to sexist. power sia
Me: There's a sexist manager in the championship, so it's linked!
Sexist Fucker: who is the sexist manager
Me: Mike Newell. Stop testing me. Dun think u're the GOD who knows everything.

The conversation stopped here, because he has already went offline. DARN THAT SEXIST BEAST! Still want to know which one am I! I would never ever tolerate this type of guy! No no, should not be a human being! Girls, hit him!!!!

I won't be defeated by this 'non-human'! I am not good to bully with!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 6:09 pm |

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Poor Luis Garcia is going to be out for the rest of the season! I'll miss you! Get well soon!!

I'm out!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 7:12 pm |

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Random three

Liverpool loss again, at Anfield! Humiliating.... 3-6. Sad sad sad. Since when have Arsenal became so good?! Never mind, what's done is done, I still have faith in my beloved Liverpool.

No school for me on every Thursday, from tomorrow onwards! Yeah! Congratulations to me!

Taking my computer to reformat it tomorrow too. Finally.....

And, my hair is back to dark brown.


-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 11:59 pm |

Monday, January 08, 2007

A brand new year

Yes, I've gone an almost two-week hiatus and I know I'm SUPER DUPER late, but I still wanna say a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!!

And yes I know Liverpool were knocked out of the FA Cup by Arsenal. I'm sad cos I love FA Cup! Their first defeat at home since October 2005. See, their home record is so good, but not for away. They will meet again tomorrow at Anfield!

Today is my school-reopen-day and I've missed it. I wasn't feeling too good since yesterday, so that's the reason! I had a call from Amy just now, she said when she went to our locker to take books, she found ants, lots of ANTS in it and on my book!! She thrown my books on the floor immediately. Then when the 3 of them went back up to clean our locker, they lifted the papers, which we placed it underneath our books and saw a dead COCKROACH(!!!!), the BIG ANTS were eating it!!!!!! EWWWWWWWWWW.... Although I didn't see it, I had goosebumps while she was telling me! Oh my goodness!!! So they each took my books home for me, we might have to take home our books everyday now!

Oh ya, before I forgot,


Went Kbox at Paradiz with Carrissa Jiejie, Merly Jiejie and Laiwa on Saturday. Both Lisa Jiejie and I gave Laiwa a surprise with birthday cake!! Celebrated his birthday in advance. Hope you like it!!!

Laiwa smiling happily! -- Me & Merly Jiejie -- Lisa Jiejie
4 of us -- Making a wish -- Blows the candles!!

Kbox terminated our control at 4.10pm!! So very rude!!! Their service was very slow!!!!

Our neoprints!!! See yourself, Aloy?! You are at the top, the Zhu Mei!!! Hahaha...

At Ding Tai Feng

Laiwa, remember to bring our neoprints to your camp this coming Saturday!! We'll miss you....!

A day before, I asked Amy out for shopping. I bought a black dress for Chinese New Year. Hee... Saw few people that I know at Bugis, so not happy with 1 of them. The rest of the day was pretty lethargic, the way I sat on Ade's sofa said it all.

I'm out!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 6:07 pm |

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