Stranded Alone

+Camilla Therese Lim
+Miss Cammy
+BIG 2-0!
+29 November 1987
+Liverpool fanatic!
+My Family & Friends
+Liverpool FC
+Steven Gerrard
+TV & Movies


+FRIENDS all 10 seasons DVD!!!!
+LFC Ladies Jacket
+A Backpack for school
+Bags Bags Bags!!
+The Body Shop Blusher Brush
+Shoes Shoes!
+Liverpool's jersey - Ladies' Wear!!
+Gerrard: My Autobiography!!
+Trip to Anfield, Liverpool!!
+Pass my exams!!!


March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008




Edwin & Zieg
Fat Moo Moo
Simple Plan
Siti Nuraini

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Quotes of the year Part One

Some quotes on football of 2006.

"Next time I'll learn to dive maybe, but I'm not a woman."
Thierry Henry's views on Barcelona after Arsenal's Champions League final defeat.

Haha. Totally agreed!! So stop your diving, Chelsea, and Cristiano Ronaldo!!!

"Places like this are the soul of English football. The crowd is magnificent, saying '**** off Mourinho' and so on.
Mourinho revels in the abuse he received from Blades fans at Bramall Lane.

If I were there, I would say that too! FYI, Blades are Sheffield United.

"The worst thing about playing Chelsea is having to listen to Mourinho afterwards."
Barcelona defender Edmilson.

LOL!!! What can I say more?! [I have no idea who Edmilson is!]

"By the time you read this we'll have had a scan on Fabregas. His foot blew up after the game and that's not the best sign."
Arsene Wenger on Fabregas's 'explosive' foot.

This is funny, because he was exaggerating.

"He says he's a Red, but they all say that when they sign, don't they?"
Steven Gerrard is suspicious about new team-mate Craig Bellamy's claim to be a lifelong Liverpool fan.

This is true, I've heard and read about it a number of times. You wouldn't be lying to me would you Craig?

"At Madrid we all kiss each other before we go out. Against Jamaica, Aaron Lennon was waiting to replace me and as I approached I reached forward to kiss him, but then thought 'no, better not'."
David Beckham on the difference between English and Spanish customs.

This is so gay!!! Luckily, he didn't do it!

Sigh, too bad there's no quotes about Man Utd. There will be a part two, though!

Well, that's all for now! I gotta go to bed........

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 3:26 am |

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A day after Boxing Day

I'm upset about Liverpool's loss last night, they should have won that!! Never mind, I still love my Liverpool.

But on the other hand, I'm happy Chelsea only managed to get a point, thanks to their stupid own goal for Reading!!! HAHAHAHA...............

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 4:28 pm |

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

How I spent my X'mas


The photos on our X'mas celebration.
Helping Shirleen on her hair!

Our still-curled hair.

In the train. My hair isn't that curly anymore!

Me with the Santa hat!

Cutey Serene. Very nice background.

My 'twin'. Hahaha.

@ Marina Square

Erm..... HAHAHAHA!!!

The 7 of us

Our backviews.

The guys

X'mas tree right in front of Raffles City

I grabbed it from Ser =)

Not-so-nice Lychee Martini

Shirleen, Camilla, Serene

The menus on Zieg's and Gary's heads!

On mine and Ser's
In the later part of my Christmas, went to my grandma's place for our gathering. I took bus there on my own and reached at around 6, while most of them reached in 2 plus. I was too tired to wake up. Finally met my beloved cousins whom I'd never seen them for a very long time! But Aloysius was SO rude to me! What the hell?! Still called yourself 'Rain', so oh my god! Don't know since when I've became his manager, but nobody wants to 'book' him!! LOL!! So on 6 Jan you definitely must go out with us!!!

The cute little Santa hat from Japan's Disneyland

Me and Laiwa

Our own X'mas cups written by me! -- Beautiful MeiNu, Drama Queen (Carrissa Jiejie's) -- Xiao Ming Ming, Mila MeiMei (Mine!) -- Thunder Cum Lightning, Da Lei Yu Shan Dian (Aloy's)

5 of us with the small Santa hat -- Merly Jiejie -- Lisa Jiejie -- Aloy
Me -- Laiwa

The night was very fun with them! See ya soon!!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 9:00 pm |

Monday, December 25, 2006


Holla!! I'm back!! First of all,


I'm very tired, but my hair is not yet dry out! Damn slow!

First thing on Christmas Eve, we girls curled our hair, done by Shirl, in her house!! We felt like we were the brides when we were making it curl! Haha. We ended up being late for an hour! We're superb!!

Ate our dinner at a Hong Kong style cafe/restaurant at Marina Square, then took some photos there and off we go to our initial destination, Loof, at Odeon Tower.

It is a pub at the rooftop of the building. The surroundings were quite pretty, but too bad the seats to see the views were reserved. I ordered Lychee Martini, and so did Shirl. I didn't like it at all, I only had two sips, it just gave me a bad feeling that I would blackout again. So the rest of them helped me finish it.

We played our own games again!!! 007 and 'jumping frog' (loosely translated). It was damn hilarious! Our punishments for our mistakes? It was at first kissing somebody's hand we chose when our eyes were covered, then to kissing cheeks!!! The guys were 'perverts'!! I don't want to name who, you-know-who-you-are! LOL!! It was really fun as I didn't make too many mistakes but seemed that I'd been chosen for a lot of times! How unlucky! Hehee.

Well, the pub never had countdown to Christmas! So not fun! We stayed until 1 plus before going back home, thought of eating supper but none of us were hungry. So, took the cab with Ser, Shirl and Gary. The taxi uncle was really friendly, he was joking with us quite a lot throughout the journey. We were very unlucky to see a police stop check neared my school, it delayed our time and wasted our money, almost 4 bucks! The cars weren't moving at all for 5 minutes! They should pay our taxi fare!! Kns!

Overall, I did enjoy my Christmas celebration although it ended early. Will post pics soon. Night! Oops, Morning!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 5:01 am |

Friday, December 22, 2006

Are we?!

Are we exchanging gifts this Christmas?!

I haven't prepared, if so!

Wanna buy some gifts but I don't have much money left!!!!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 2:37 pm |

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Random two

It seems like everywhere around the globe is having a bad weather. In England, cities like London and Liverpool are cover with heavy fog, and that is why the match between Liverpool and Arsenal was called off that night. I was so disappointed when I found out about it.

Got to go. Ciao!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 4:54 pm |

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


It's pouring outside. It goes on and on for over 48 hours! Oh my! It better stop tomorrow, I wanna go swimming leh!

Liverpool vs Arsenal later on, at Anfield! Exciting.....!

It is soooooooo COLD!!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 12:48 am |

Monday, December 18, 2006

Haha! Hahaha!

Well well, Man Utd lost to West Ham last night!!!!!

A champagne, please!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 3:05 pm |

Sunday, December 17, 2006


It's late again, but I think I'll blog an entry now.

Shall start from posting some pictures taken on my birthday at Vila'ge.

Chocolate Fondue!!! Yum~

Talking about their lame jokes?!

My hand looks horrible!!

Image removed.

Went for a steamboat dinner on Thursday with my C.A.S.E group members. We met again at early evening after a short day at school. It was pouring, and the weather was quite cold, yet there was a lot of people went for it. I finally got to eat my bun after such a long time! I'm so satisfied! I didn't eat the crab at all that night because I was too full, and probably we laughed too much and too hard! It was a damn funny night! There were Xiao Ma, Xiao Hong, Xiao Pang, Zai Zai and Chang Mao ---> all named by Amy! LOL! Those were the workers there. And there was a couple of incidents, Xiao Pang kept blinking his eyes to Amy and to our table! Oh my, it was hilarious and disgusting that I didn't dare to focus on his expressions! Amy felt like puking, well, me too! Haha. She like Xiao Ma more, but I told her to take Chang Mou cos he looked and walked like a mafia! Hahaha.

Here are some pics.

All 4 of us.

I curled my hair. I look so old!

Then the following day, which was the last day of school before our now-officially holidays, we decided to only go for the last lesson to know our CA results. It completely wasted our time for going. I think we went off around 15 minutes after I reached and sat down in the class. Peter Quah never brought our papers to let us see, he just merely told us our results! Apparently, there are some people in my class who got 100% for their Audit, and there's this one guy in my class, who kind of know (or knew) he got full marks, dramatically told Peter Quah to not tell his marks to everyone. What the FUCK did he wanna do that?! To show off?! Oh please, I'm so sick and tired of it!

My group members all got an 'A' for Auditing. I got 90, same for Susan, while Amy and Eileen got 91 and 92, respectively. Congrats to us! Anyhow, the Accounting paper that I took last month, I'm so disappointed that I've only managed to get 84, although I used my 'aga-ration power' to do that STUPID killer question! But I'm also happy for Eileen, cos she got an 'A' for it!

As for my football thingy, my club, they've beaten Charlton earlier on by 3 goals to nil! Alonso, Bellamy and my Steven scored! And I'm contented that Arsenal and Portsmouth drew against each other, cos Liverpool is now in the 3rd place! Woohoo! Although not the 1st, but I'm still pleased!

Okay, my first day of holiday has ended.

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 4:08 am |

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Excuse me

I'm exhausted. I'll blog properly tomorrow, or rather, later.

I just wanna say something,

Liverpool have drawn Barcelona in the knockout stage!

Die lah!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 2:57 am |

Monday, December 11, 2006


Just woke up from my nap. Can you imagine I only had 3 hours of sleep this morning, before waking up for school?! It was all because of studying for Auditing CA! Damn!

But luckily, the paper was easy, and luckily, most of the short answer questions were on Chapter 1, the only chapter that I really memorised. The CA was tested from Chapter 1 to 4 by the way! Hahaha. These few days there was a lot of shows for me to watch on the telly! So cruel! If I didn't know how to do the paper, I could only have myself to blame. Apparently, this was not the case!

At first, I thought of just aiming for a pass, but now, I hope I will get an A for it! *pray*

I'm so relaxed now, after the paper was over. I can watch as much telly as I can, and my 3 weeks holiday are approaching, begin from this Saturday! That means Christmas is coming, then New Year!!! Oh my, it's so damn fast! It is like I just celebrated a new year yesterday!

Okay, back to my tv shows. SUPERNATURAL is showing on friday, after Ghost Whisperer. I still can't believe that Andrea died!! She's such a good friend of Melinda's. I thought it was her brother who was dead! So sad... Anyway, Supernatural is SUPER nice, a must-watch!

Yesterday was the Star Awards. I really can't figure out why Chen Wei Lian would get the best newcomer instead of my favourite Elvin Ng!!! What the Fuck!! He even got into the top 10!!!!! Ridiculous! And also, Ivy Lee should not have won that Best Actress award, I didn't like that show, although there was Thomas Ong, my idol. I thought Ann Kok would have win! By the way her hair was so ugly. Sorry! Oh, Jacelyn Tay didn't get into the top 10, it was so unexpected! All because of Fiona Xie! Damn extra in there!

Anyhow, I watched Chelsea vs Arsenal game and the bowling in Asian Games while studying last night. I've never played bowling for a very very long time, 1 year plus! I must have my nails cut before playing, it always break after I played!

They drew! I thought Arsenal would win that, but it's okay, I'm happy with the draw. Hahaha. It's not affecting Liverpool at the moment, although they have a game in hand. I was so disgusted by Jose Mourinho's celebration once again, I felt like giving him a punch! Luckily they didn't win!

Liverpool won 4-0 on Saturday against Fulham!! Hahaha. I'm absolutely satisfied with it! Gerrard scored from the rebound after he missed the penalty, he's quick! His legs are not weak, you oldest freak Gary! If not, he would have missed both, bum bum! Carragher scored his first goal in almost 8 years! Garcia and Gonzalez scored the other 2 goals. Their names are all 'G', except Carragher's! They are now in the 4th position! Soon, they'll be kicking Portsmouth's ass off the 3rd spot and claim it!

And I just realised that Celtic sing You'll Never Walk Alone too! Why?! It should be Liverpool's song!! I love the song anyway!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 7:15 pm |

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I'm a good person

I'm glad that Man Utd win last night. They deserved to win it, I guess.

See, I'm so good.

I'm not a bad person.

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 8:59 pm |

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Neither.. nor

Yea, I know Liverpool lost the match last night. 3-2. Well, at least they could afford to lose it as they are already qualified. Robbie Fowler scored the 2 goals, and I'm happy for him. Man Utd?! Hmm... If they lose, then HAHAHA! If they managed to win or get a draw, then congrats from me (but in not a very sincere way). =)

Seriously, Gary, you are the one who make me dislike Man Utd, if not, I wouldn't be criticising them so much! I guess you're jealous lah. Don't deny and stop denying!

But still, I hate Chelsea the most!

When policemen were still wearing shorts, you weren't born yet! Neither was I!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 8:12 pm |

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Istanbul, Turkey

Liverpool will go back to Ataturk Stadium in Istanbul tonight. Memories start flowing back.....

25 May 2005, the best ever Champions League final was played there. AC Milan vs Liverpool. 3-0 down in the first half, but amazingly, Liverpool fought back in the second half, all within 6 minutes! And that double save from Shevchenko's effort with just few minutes left in the extra time - amazing! If Dudek didn't save that, the cup would have land in Milan.

Eventually, it went into the penalties. Again, Shevchenko was the 5th person from Milan to take the penalty. If he couldn't score that, they would become the losing side.

THE CUP IS BACK TO LIVERPOOL!!!!!!! That was simply unbelievable! 5-time Champions of Europe!!! IT'S OURS TO KEEP!!!!

I'm reminiscing the wonderful night.

But of course, they won't be playing against AC tonight, it will be Galatasaray. The 3 goals down in first half would NOT happen to Liverpool again, definitely, although they are already top in the group and a number of players will be rested like Stevie G, Sami Hyypia and Steve Finnan.

Has Man Utd won 5 times?! Nah...... Only TWICE!!! And they might lose out the chance to get into the knockout stage again this year! Chelsea = NONE!!! Lalalalala......

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 7:32 pm |

Sunday, December 03, 2006


I've been living in this planet for 19 years! I'm getting older and it's scary! I'm declaring this: I will be always 18!

Anyway, I've turned 19 on Wednesday. Time flies, and soon, a brand new year is coming. Nonetheless,


My sisters took me out for a lunch/dinner at NYDC on Tuesday. The food was nice, Tiramisu mud pie - yummy~. We went shopping after the meal. To DFS, Far East then Bugis. Didn't buy much things, only an eyeliner pencil, a gift from Er Jie and a top from Da Jie. Before going home, we went block 85 to buy some supper back home. We ate rojak, peanut dumpling soup and bbq chicken wings. So damn full! I absolutely enjoyed myself that day, thanks to my sis. As for my parents, they only came back on Thursday. My mum bought me a winnie the pooh family's bottle, which I adore!

Me and Er Jie -- Da Jie, Er Jie and Me!!!

Then on Wednesday morning, my actual birthday, Amy and Eileen gave me presents. Amy totally fooled me! I thought she really wanted to try putting mascara so I told her try the new Maybelline unstoppable mascara. I wasn't aware she was buying it for me, plus a blusher. Eileen bought me a pink wallet with a little butterfly. I adored the butterfly especially! As for Susan, she gave me a box of cosmetics, which contains of nail polish, lip gloss and eyeshadows on Thursday. Thanks girls!

At the night time, I treated my group members a meal. At Vil'age, a place I asked Zieg to help me decide on. It was pretty confusing ordering their food, though it was not too bad. And they asked a lot of sickening questions, qian bian ones, it was funny! Zieggy gave me a small surprise, chocolate fondue, to replace a birthday cake. It was yummy, yet sinful!!!! We ended the night early as all of us were tired and had school the next day. Thank you my beloved friends!

And thank you all of you who gave their wishes via everywhere!

On Thursday, the day my parents were coming back from Shanghai, me and Er Jie went the airport to fetch them. We had our lunch just outside the belt number they were to come out from. Er Jie thought of an idea, to bluff them that she couldn't make it so they had to go back by their own, and me saying I was just on my way home. My mum totally believed it!!! It was hilarious! What can I say? My mum is very good to lie to!! Lol. We ran to them when they came out, and luckily I spotted them, or else they were to take a taxi home! They were so surprised to see us! LOL! My parents are so cute!

Yesterday, went to sing k with Amy and Susan at the Chai Chee Community Centre. $8 per person and we sang for 5 hours! We were all tired afterwards. I was hungry too! Travelled all the way to Suntec to have our dinner. By the time I reached back home, it was 9+, I suffered from headache and was feeling cold. I'm feeling cold still. I think I'm gonna be sick!

Me, Susan and Amy -- With Amy
Had a headache but still watched football match. It is my routine! Liverpool had their first away win finally!!! 4-0 against Wigan! All scored in the first half. I'm super happy, and they climbed to the 5th spot! The road is still long!

My feelings for now - confused and sad.

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 10:54 pm |

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