Stranded Alone

+Camilla Therese Lim
+Miss Cammy
+BIG 2-0!
+29 November 1987
+Liverpool fanatic!
+My Family & Friends
+Liverpool FC
+Steven Gerrard
+TV & Movies


+FRIENDS all 10 seasons DVD!!!!
+LFC Ladies Jacket
+A Backpack for school
+Bags Bags Bags!!
+The Body Shop Blusher Brush
+Shoes Shoes!
+Liverpool's jersey - Ladies' Wear!!
+Gerrard: My Autobiography!!
+Trip to Anfield, Liverpool!!
+Pass my exams!!!


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Edwin & Zieg
Fat Moo Moo
Simple Plan
Siti Nuraini

Monday, September 25, 2006


Me and Shirl went to watch the Singapore Idol Grand Finals last night at the Indoor Stadium. Both of us weren't really into it, but still went ahead cos I got the tickets. We thought it would be not nice at all, and we were wrong. I guess watching live it's a lot better than watching it on the telly.

The atmosphere was good enough, I had fun, cos I was playing with the clappers so much that the air inside was almost gone. I ended up using Shirl's one too, she never used it!!!! Sickening.... We really like their performances, the live band, it was just like watching a real concert. Anyway, we had quite a good seat, the view was good.

Damn!! Have no tickets for today's results show. Was not really interested in it before yesterday's show, hence no tix for today. I thought could only take one day's tix!! Damn it! Later on there will be Tanya Chua, Energy, Electrico and etc performing!!

The 2 Muttons were on stage talking when it's on commercial break. They are really fun, funny! I love their Muttons In The Morning too!

Both me and Shirl want Jonathan to win!!! But our hearts tell us that Hady will win. Nevertheless, we will be rooting for him!!!!!!

Anyway, we weren't allowed to bring in our cameras! Craps.. Lots of Digi Cam were confiscated. So we used our phone to take pictures instead. There were people who managed to sneak in their cameras!! I should have placed it in my make-up pouch!!!!

The camera's view, during commercial break.

Does she looks like my older sister? Lol. She's so gonna kill me!!

This is when we got back our cameras.

Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan......

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 5:54 pm |

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Liverpool finally won last night, after losing two straight matches. What a game!! A spectacular game, the best game so far of the season (that's what the commentators said lah~). With 2 wonderful goals against Newcastle. Wow.... Exciting!!

Watch this video!! Xabi Alonso's WONDER GOAL!! He scored from his own half, again!! It was absolutely FABULOUS, SENSATIONAL, MAGNIFICENT!! How could I not be excited?!

This is the 2nd goal, Dirk Kuyt scored the 1st one for Liverpool, a great goal too. Don't write them off so soon, it's only the beginning of the season!!!! It was all Chelsea's fault, they made me scold so many vulgarities on the Sunday's match (not towards Liverpool, of course!). I'm a loyal Liverpool fan, okay..?

Anyway, I planned to blog this entry last night, but ran out of time and I didn't want to be late for my tv again! Yea.. for Lizzie Mcguire, I like to watch that show, I admit it. =)

I was to blog about our Benji's birthday celebration on Monday to Tuesday. Still anyway, Happy Belated Birthday Ah Ben!!!

Was supposed to meet Shirl at 1pm that Monday afternoon, but she ended up telling me she overslept. At that time I was like 'Great!'. Because I'd spent too much time in the bathroom after waking up, felt so reluctant to do so! In the end, I was rushing myself like hell. This and that had yet to complete, so I was late. Plus, I had to get her a present before meeting her. Went up and down in TM just to get her Christina Aguilera's Back To Basics' album.

Then on my way meeting her, I saw Bing Wang. What a coincidence.

We decided to go Raffles City for our first venue as Shirl wanted to go interview for a job, plus to look for presents for Ben. I was so surprised to hear that she didn't know how to go there. Shirl, if you're a village girl then I think I'm a country bumpkin, but I will be more modern, at least I know how to get there. LOL!! So I told her and Ade "Please do not alight at Raffles Place next time if you want to go Raffles City, please alight at City Hall instead. There are escalators that can lead you up there." Oh my... It's so funny! How innocent my friends are!

Benji treated us a dinner at New York New York. The food was mediocre, but the bill was whopping $169! Some pictures to go with.

The guys and the girls.

Our group photo.

With Ser -- Edwin -- Shirl (love this pic esp) -- Shirl & Ser
Edwin & Shirl -- Zieggy -- Ade -- the Girls
Ben -- Gary -- Ade & Ser -- Edwin & Shirl (funny!)

Look at these 2 photos, there is something in common!

A cheeky Edwin!!! Lol.

We wanted to watch a movie after the dinner but there were none for us. So we spent some time in the arcade, all 8 of us played Daytona. Fun fun. Then we decided to go spend our money at K Box, as it was not yet 12 midnight.

The village girls. Haha.

We waited for 12 midnight and sang Happy Birthday song to Ben! Had great time singing and laughing there.

Left there at 1 plus and took taxi home with Ben and Ade. When I reached my place, I saw a black cat in the drain!!! Oh my, it was soooo scary! It was staring at me, and me staring back! Then I back-turned to walk on the grass quickly to my stairs. The scariest moment in my life!

After spending on presents, K box and taxi, I'm officially broke again! How am I able to do manicure or even pedicure?!

End this post with one more pic.

My Piggy!!! I call it 'wu qian wan', it's from my SanShi! Hahaha.

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 7:58 pm |

Saturday, September 16, 2006

After some hectic weeks preparing for my exams, it was finally over on Thursday and one month of holiday comes on. The 3 papers that I took, business taxation, advanced accounting and costing. The first one really took me quite a lot of time. I remember seeing the clock shows 11.44 when I was still doing on the first question. 44 minutes on question number 1 was simply ridiculous, and not yet finished. Almost panicked. Got it done just 10 minutes before the time was up, and got out of the exam hall.

Accounting was the most feared for me and my friends. We were not really attentive during the lessons, at times, therefore, it wasn't very surprising that we were afraid of it. The paper was all right afterall, well for me and Amy. Don't worry about it, Eileen and Susan, you girls are going to do well!

We thought costing wouldn't be a big problem as it was for accounting, but it was the most tricky paper out of the 3! My heart dropped when I couldn't balance on the first question. Helpless, I proceeded to the next. Nearly not been able to balance it again, luckily it was just a calculation error. The problem lies on if it should be an abnormal loss or gain for the third question. The kind of questions I was most confident in turned out to be the opposite. I got loss but Amy got a gain. I spent quite some time on the last question, which was one I dislike the most. Hopefully I will be correct on that one. I really gave up on the first question, and made my departure.

I wanna get all 'A's this time, which I never did.

Well I thought I'm going to be really relieved and happy after my exams (I was indeed) , seeing my friends more and whatever, I'm not hoping for it to happen.

Maybe it's not worth it, and you said you don't see me commit in this friendship as much as you do. I don't know what exam means to you, but to me it is really important. I regretted not doing well for my 'O's and that is why I'm in ITE right now, wasting 2 years. I'm determined to do well for it, I don't want to disappoint anyone again, and since I'm studying in what I like and interested in. It's either you're right or you don't understand me, and so I shall give up.

Saddened about it and spent so long writing this entry. I shall isolate myself too.............

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 2:48 am |

Sunday, September 03, 2006

England won 5-0 last night against Andora, with goals from Peter Crouch, Steven Gerrard (Woo!) and Jermaine Defoe. Stevie G is definitely the man-of-the-match!!

It was a classic strike!! England's second goal.

Cute right?! Hehee.

I'm not biased, therefore, I shall show y'all Crouchy's pics.

I wonder how long his legs are? 150cm?!

Woohoo... Everyone looks dwarf when standing beside Crouchy!!

It's celebration time for Defoe! See, Giant Crouchy is coming towards Small Defoe!!!

I'm impressed with Crouch's recent scoring form, but please don't relax on that!! Nevertheless, well done Aloysius!!! LOL!!!

My dad calls Crouchy 'Peter', rather than Crouch, which most people call him. Peter is my dad's friend, everybody! Haha. He said Steven is my friend, which I think it's more than just friend. He's my boyfriend, my husband-to-be!!!! HAHA!!!

I came across this Paris Hilton picture, with her sister Nicky, at the VMA awards. Please take a look.

Her boots are awful!!! It looks like it belongs to PCK, just the difference in colour. Her bag looks like she's ready for hunting to me. Did anyone knows that I hate her? Okay, I shall say I 'dislike' her. And yes, I don't think 'Stars Are Blind' is nice, at all.

These few days will be self-proclaimed holidays for me, which should be study-week than holiday. I have yet to revise, just did revision papers basically, except for accounting. Oh I hate this semester's accounting!

Paul Twohill's exclusive photo!!! LOL! They are supposed to act as nerds, but they ended up looking like ghosts!! Haha.

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 7:29 pm |

Friday, September 01, 2006

Exams are coming real soon. 911, 912 & 914. After these, I will have a month break. I have yet to revise on my accounting!! I'm so dead!

I think I'm not going anywhere this year, and I'm okay with it. Daddy and Mummy said I can buy anything that I want then! Hahaha. I'm gonna write the things that I want on a list!! I said I want to go Anfield to watch a match to Daddy, then he replied "Buy an air-ticket there, watch a match and come back". Yea, I wish.


I'm going to help him do the chores now. Ciao.

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 5:57 pm |

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