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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Stevie G scored a goal last night, on his birthday! England vs Hungary. Woohoo!! Too bad I couldn't celebrate with him! I had school......

Oh.. So cute!

Nice pose, Crouch!

Anyway, the other goal was scored by John Terry. I don't have the pic because I don't wanna save it. Hahaha.

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 5:29 pm |

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Today is Steven Gerrard's 26th birthday! Hahaha.. Yeah! Happy Birthday to him!

Big news everyone! My right eye's eyelid is back to its own self!!! It is now officially double eyelid again, after nearly a year of don't know is it triple or more than that!

Recently, I started to have a lot of pimples popping out again! Especially on my chin and forehead. Disgusting and irritating! Luckily I will be going back to the doctor on friday.

That's all, everybody!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 4:04 pm |

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Hippies won The Amazing Race! I am so happy and relieved that they won! They were just great to watch!

Anyway, Elliot was voted off. I was very sad and I cried. He's a great singer. But now, I will be rooting for Taylor to win!

I'm feeling a little sick right now.....

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 7:48 pm |

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Went to watch Poseidon with C>A>S>E this afternoon. This was the first time we actually watched a movie together! How pathetic was that?! Anyway, it was a thrilling and sad movie. I cried, so does eileen! She was worse than me! Then amy and susan kept laughing and wanting one of the girls to die fast, cos she seemed to be a burden. They were just not compassionate! Lol.

I saw aishah today!!! I was sooo happy to see her! I missed her so much!

Ser, Crouch is in the middle with a cup on his head! Lol!

Can anyone tell me is this a girl or boy? I have no idea! But he or she is cute!

Heh heh heh. My future husband! The kid is Carragher's son. He's cute too!

FA Cup winners! So cool!!

Haha. Isn't this funny?! Benji, this is you!!!

Then who are you, winwin?

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 10:50 pm |

Monday, May 15, 2006

Aras is the sole Survivor!!! I am ecstatic once again!! Haha. I shouted when he won! I love him to bits! I started watching it in the middle of the show and immediately I knew that I was going to support him! And he won! Yeah!

The final three. Terry, Danielle and Aras. Cirie lost to Danielle on the 'Fire' thingy challenge. I was sad. Eventually, Danielle chose Aras to go into the final two with her. I thought she would choose Terry. I dislike Terry's arrogant attitude, but he's a good player.

The juries were asking them questions.

Why I like Aras? Cos he's cute and handsome! Haha. I am not a despo ar..!

I didn't have the pics for the reunion show. I wish that I would find it and I would put it up here for sure!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 9:49 pm |

Sunday, May 14, 2006

FA Cup Winner!!

Liverpool win the FA Cup!!!!!!!! I'm ecstatic!!! Stevie G scored TWO magnificient equalizing goals! He's my man for sure, as always!!

Jamie Carragher scored an own goal at 21mins. Soon then, West Ham was 2-nil up, before Cisse pulled one back.

On 54 mins, Gerrard scored to become 2-2. A great strike! I shouted very loudly!

But West Ham scored another one soon after which seemed to seal a victory for them.

However, Liverpool did not give up! The clock was ticking, and I was soooooooo nervous. I thought (everyone thought) that they were about to lose. Just when it was announced that there would be 4mins added time, suddenly boom! Stevie G scored!!!! At 90mins!!! A STUNNING goal!!! From 30 yards! Yeah! 3-3!

I screamed this time round! I think my er jie and her bf were thinking that I was crazy! Hahaha.

The match went into extra time but there were no goals. Penalty shoot-out! Er jie watched it with me cos she's only interested in seeing goals.

Liverpool win 3-1 on penalties!! Reina saved three of it! Great Stuff!

She watched the award ceremony with me again, because she wanna see Prince William. Haha.

The captain and the manager! Isn't the captain cute?! Lol. Everyone, it's celebration's time!

Anyway, tomorrow would be the finale for Survivor. I hope Aras will win, he's my favourite! And I wish Cirie will beat Danielle on that challenge!

Thanks for everything! I love you!!! And I'm $20 richer!!! Wahahaha..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 9:18 pm |

Friday, May 12, 2006

Hey! I'm back! It's been two weeks since my school life started again. My teacher said that our class timetable is the best one out of all the other 2nd year classes. Anyway, I don't really like my new class, although the 4 of us are still together in the same class as well as some of our other classmates. I honestly preferred my previous class (damn it!).

I watched the MTV Asia Awards last Saturday and what can I say? It's boring..! I only liked the opening which presented the hosts Wang Leehom and Kelly Rowland when they sang their songs. Lee Ryan was there too! I was so jealous and furious on Tata Young, she sang romantic ballad with my Lee!!!!! How could she?! They should find me!!! Hahaha.....

Tonight's American Idol's result was shocking, so shocking to me! Chris was voted out. So sad. Although my favourite is Elliot. Chris is good, very good, great singer!

I decided to watch Amazing Race tomorrow night. I'm rooting for the hippies!!! MoJo and Eric & Jeremy just made me feel sicker and sicker in every episode. I thought of supporting them in the beginning but luckily, I managed to change it quick.

By the way, Supernatural is a very nice show! Horror plus thrilling drama. It's sooooooo much nicer than any of the horror movies. Watching horror movies are just a waste of money! Watch this show and it can save you money! I got frightened a couple of times.

Did you realised that I've been talking about tv programs so much in this entry? For anyone who don't know, I'm a tv girl!

Yeah! FA Cup Final on this Saturday!!!!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 1:07 am |

Monday, May 01, 2006

Gonna go back to school tomorrow! It sucks! A month is just not enough for me to enjoy..! I guess no matter how long the holidays would be, it is just not enough!!

So anyway, Liverpool won 3-1 on Saturday! Yeah! Stevie G scored 1 great goal and 1 fantastic goal, which are equal to 2 brilliant goals!!!!! He has already scored 21 goals this season! Some pictures ya?! I love putting pictures here especially Liverpool's and Gerrard's!

By the way, Morientes scored the first goal.

Yes, I know this picture looked kinda creepy. But Gerrard was running!

I think this is the best goal this season! 30 yards leh...!

What a cute face!!!!!! He was the man of the match!!

Michael Owen is back! Yeah!!

Chelsea is the champion this season, again! Congrats ( Yea right, like shit!). What was 2-1, aloy?! It was a victory for Liverpool and a place in the FA Cup final!! Man Utd lost 3-0!!!!!!! Oh, so sad...! =)

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 12:33 am |

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