Stranded Alone

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+Miss Cammy
+BIG 2-0!
+29 November 1987
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+FRIENDS all 10 seasons DVD!!!!
+LFC Ladies Jacket
+A Backpack for school
+Bags Bags Bags!!
+The Body Shop Blusher Brush
+Shoes Shoes!
+Liverpool's jersey - Ladies' Wear!!
+Gerrard: My Autobiography!!
+Trip to Anfield, Liverpool!!
+Pass my exams!!!


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Edwin & Zieg
Fat Moo Moo
Simple Plan
Siti Nuraini

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I don't need to go to sch tomorrow and thursday!! lalalala......

The VMAs was held in Miami on sunday.. well.. Green Day was the big winner of the night.. Kelly Clarkson won 2 awards i guess.. congrats to her.. her Breakaway album is great! Hilary Duff was there too.. with none other than Joel Madden.. and his bro Benji.. Hilary and Joel looked so compatible and sweet.. hope their relationship will last forever.. Hilary's "Wake Up" is nice.. it's one of my favourite song right now.. Peace out!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 5:01 pm |

Monday, August 29, 2005


I wanna get lee ryan's album!!!

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That's the album's cover.. Nice!!

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Army of Lovers' single!! Gorgeous!! haha..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 5:29 pm |

Thursday, August 25, 2005


I am super frustrated right now.. pek chek.. with somebody..... not just one person.. shall not talk about it anymore..

Tomorrow is ade's birthday.. i am going to her house tomorrow.. can also pass her present..

Monday went to the worst chalet ever..damn bored..the most fun thing that i did that day was cycling with my friends.. and taking pictures at the beach with eileen and susan.. about the bbq.. i only ate a little bit.. and they were slow.. oops!! they were serving us.. while we girls were sitting down there and wait.. we went off at 8 plus.. i didn't want to wait any longer.. so susan and me went to eat mcdonald.. we talked quite a lot while we were eating.. and susan said there was this unknown guy kept looking at me at the chalet.. he's my classmates' friend.. i nv took notice of him anyway.. and when he was asking us who wanna eat prawns my other friends never respond neither did i.. but he just put it on my plate while i was still eating my chicken wing.. weird guy.. but i still thanked him anyway.. polite har?!

Tuesday went out with my mum.. my dad brought us to harbour front to have our lunch and my aunt too.. after lunch my dad drove us to bugis cos i wanted to go there and buy something.. then to my grandma's house.. i was being forced to play mahjong and then in the end i won the most.. $18.75.. haa.. my grandma was very funny.. she only won once or twice.. one of her purse left with no money.. lol..

Well.. i finished my accounting homework on last saturday.. fast right.. i decided not to do the optional paper cos i will turn mad.. ciao..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 2:49 pm |

Sunday, August 21, 2005


I ain't a tomboy just because i like to watch soccer...

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 12:34 am |

Saturday, August 20, 2005


My 1 week holiday starts from today!finally can rest..although still need to do lots of accounting homework..

Next monday i gotta go for class chalet..not staying overnight..just make myself free for the bbq..haha..i'd already paid the money..not gonna waste it..

Talk about my CA result..accounting i got was quite easy and whole class got 30 ppl got full marks..BFD aka business fundamentals got 72%..was quite surprised cos i thought i would fail again..i guess i was lucky..cos out of 5 short-answered questions i only know 2 of them..and i got full marks for both questions! lah..i got study for that TWO parts..hehee..mcq also got full marks..and finally my OFA..i got 100%!!!!!!!!i was the only one who got 100% in my class..*applause*..heh heh..damn surprised too..cos when i told kelvin this morning he gave me an unbelievable"since when did u get so hardworking?"..that's what he said..oh ya..he's sickening..always curse my liverpool..and always late on friday..full of craps..

Show u guys some pictures i took in classroom with my darlings..

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School darlings..

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That's amy..and me

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Susan and me..hehee..

Ade's birthday is coming..haven't buy present for her!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 12:52 am |

Saturday, August 13, 2005

i am back...

Hmm..i am back long nv update my blog..because i was thinking of shutting down my blog..Anyway u guys should check out's an american guy's blog..he talks a lot about the celebrities and even got quite a lot of their pictures..just like a paparazzo..and it's funny..this is recommended by joel madden from Good Charlotte..

Talk about ended at 1..after that went bowling with susan..eileen and's a cca..played just 1 game..because of nail broke..sickening..but anyway i was the winner!!haha..only 70 plus points..why was i proud of it?!crazy..haha..we went back home after the game without eileen cos she's waiting for her friends and her ai ai...eeeee..disgusting..haha..ok lah..her bf..

Yesterday my mum went to john little and spent 40 free gifts..eeyore and pooh!!it's very cute..i took pictures of them too..

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Isn't it cute?!

Oh..last saturday went to celebrate edwin's birthday..just the 7 of us..without ade..anyway her birthday is coming real soon..hope all of us would celebrate together..i got the pictures..shall posed some..

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i looked so without make-up..what happened?!
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the THREE gays..haha
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our group photo..without ade..zieg looked so he was talking at that time..hahaha..and he didn't know the picture was taken..

And also i finally know how to transfer songs to my well as pictures..thanks to zieg for coming to my house to help me..

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this is the picture me and shirl took few weeks ago on our shopping trip..

Gotta go..ciao

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 2:23 pm |

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I am a bad girl today...hahaha..i skipped napfa test..naughty me..

Skipped it along with jun..she's the one who asked me to change to my pe t-shirt and again asked me to go home together with her...crazy girl right..haha

I got nothing much to i will sign off here..bye

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 4:10 pm |

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