Stranded Alone

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+29 November 1987
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+Liverpool's jersey - Ladies' Wear!!
+Gerrard: My Autobiography!!
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Edwin & Zieg
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Saturday, July 30, 2005


Today is weekend..i am just too tired this test and CA..

Shirl asked me out on yesterday night to buy edwin's birthday present together with ser today..but i told her that i was too tired..but will confirm with her the next day which is today..this morning ser smsed me saying she wants to watch movie but i told her i am not going..then two hours later while i was still sleeping shirl called me..i couldn't get up..

I am sorry to both of them..and also i got not enough cash to give you guys long nv see ser already..kinda miss her..

Yesterday went to ade's house to watch THREE episodes of one tree hill..very nice..but watched until my eyes very tired..ade was in her room while i was in the living room..she played game then fell funny..the tv was loud she still can sleep..then at about 3.30 she finally woke up..cos she gotta go fort we walked together to the bus stop..we talked abt school stuff..i told her about my scary breakfast too..haha..but soon we reached..gotta part..

Actually i was looking forward to next week..because edwin's birthday is coming..after knowing that next tuesday got NAPFA mood was gone..from 2-6 leh..crazy!!but anyway i want it to pass quickly..ciao..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 3:09 pm |

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

hehee.. i'd done a good deed..wahahaha..i helped an old granny to cross the road..she did not ask for help..i was the one who approached her cos she walked quite slowly..and we should not cross that road i decided to help her out by carrying her plastic bag and holding her hand..she just live the block beside mine..hehee..

Today had business test..gonna flunk it..clueless..hate theories!!and i also got back accounting test 72%..kinda disappointed cos there's quite a number of mistakes though teacher didn't mark all of them..

I seem to have a lot of sickening..gonna have IT CA this friday..on business lesson!! happy..haha..ok..i gtg..ciao..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 10:43 pm |

Friday, July 22, 2005

backy back...

Wow..haven't update my blog for so long..

This week had passed..tomorrow is weekend!!

Weijian got in!!damn and my da jie were soooooooooo nervous for nervous as he did..never waste my votes for him..i voted by phone twice and sms dad also likes him..haha

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That's him..isn't he cute?!!his voice is great too..u may hv to scroll to the right to see his cute face..this is quite big..haha

Btw today got accounting progress test again..abt cash book..think this time did quite badly..a lot of mistakes..and last week's one i got 88% and 92%..not bad har..haha

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 4:43 pm |

Thursday, July 14, 2005

i am back...

Here i am again...finally..i only had a nap for less than 1 hour..pathetic..might as well don't sleep..but i was really tired..

Hey hey...Liverpool won in the first leg of Champions League Qualifier first round..3-0..stevie g scored hero right??!!..haha

I was always talking about classmates were kinda surprised that i actually like i a tomboy??i really don't know and hope not..

Got not much thing to talk about..btw i still don't know how to transfer songs to my phone..and i think i gotta call singtel to ask about my phone thingy cos i can't see line had already activated a long time ago..but i don't know why i cannot see mms..ciao..

I got accounting test tomorrow..wish me luck!!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 6:25 pm |

Saturday, July 09, 2005


I am having a flu...since yesterday morning..thought of going to ade's church later this afternoon..but i couldn't...sorry ade..

WHY??!!Why was Derrick out from project superstar?ridiculous..he's good...great..he's just so cute..and i like his voice a's so unfair...luckily there will be a revival round..will definitely support him..

Yesterday was friday..i like friday..met sally after school to walk to the bus stop together..i wanted to take 17 to ade's house..though we took different's been a week plus since i last saw her..we just got so much to talk about..hope to go home together with her next week..

I went to ade's house to watch one tree hill..i asked her to help me record it as i couldn't catch it cos it only shows at inconvenient for me..oh..and i forgotten which floor she live in..i pressed 6th floor first..but no..not her house..then to 10th and 11th..finally to the 12th..yes!that's her house cos i called her..hahaha..her mum was still at home but she was preparing to go to work..ade is just so funny..keep on whining cos she like my phone so much..also keep on irritating me while i was on the phone..haha..that's her..she is forever like that..she's very kind too..i haven't taken my lunch yet so she offered to help me buy..she bought black pepper chicken cutlet rice for was quite nice..but i was damn full after that..after watching one tree hill..i actually changed the tape to watch the beautiful illusions..the fann wong's show..haha..i was crazy..watched it again..cos i knew that there's nothing nice for me to watch at that i happily watched it myself while ade was in her room playing game..i needed to meet benji at 4 so i went off at abt 3.30..i walked to the bus stop myself..i am so afraid of cats..eeeeee..ade only needed to go out at 5 one accompanied me..

So so so..reached the bus stop waiting for bus no.168..then i saw quite a few east viewians..most of them were wearing house t-shirt..then saw bedok reservoir got i guessed it was cross weird..cross country on friday..i wanted to confirmed i smsed!!i was right..well..he wasn't going..and i wanted him to watch war of the worlds with us..but he could only make it at we decided to change the zieg was late and couldn't make it for 4.40 show..edwin was having sore sad..hope he's feeling better..

I was still wearing school uniform..but still played daytona with benji while we were waiting for ser and shirl to come out from the theatre..i won over benji..hahaha..den played it again with benji and ser..this time i lost..

Went to century square after that..shirl said she feel like eating ice we decided to eat haagen danz..i guess it's spelled like this..we shared..finally zieg dua pai late..haha..then shirl received gary's msg said he couldn't make it cos he got problem with her sad

He called me when we were in the foodcourt..he said sorry..and remember to ask him out next time and he will definitely's ok de....finally..war of the worlds..nice..i like..was so nervous about the outcome..and got scared by some and shirl were whispering about the show..haha..she was also very nervous..the woman behind me was talking so loudly..very irritating..said sheeeeee!!! also don't know how to quiet down..she's from china..cos of her accent..

Went home after that..was tired..and i was still wearing school uniform at 9 plus ok...that's all lah..i think its a very long entry..

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Btw that's my steven gerrard and jamie carragher signing their new four-year deal happy..ciao..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 4:12 pm |

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

i wanna see david beckham!!!!

I WANNA SEE DAVID BECKHAM IN PERSON!!!!oh my god!!!was so excited when i knew he was coming to Singapore....though i am not a fan of his..haha

I was telling jun that if i see him in person he is sure to be damn handsome...then i said we should go to raffles city to try our luck..maybe he will be there..haha..she told me that he went to nyp yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i wanna go..............oh my god...

But i think i won't be that

Today's lesson ends at business lesson was cancelled..and just now during IT lesson..the whole class just seemed to be in chaos..we had a progress test and everybody was stucked almost everywhere..including one was supposed to be talking..but yet everyone was walking around and asking each other..including me again..susan was tensed up..i told her don't be..cos it was not an exam..hahaha..

Tomorrow ends at 1..gonna go library to do duty for 1 more hour..luckily today don't have any accounting homework..can relax..i am hungry!!!

I just found out that my steven gerrard is going nowhere..yeah....buai...

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 5:24 pm |

Sunday, July 03, 2005

i don't know wat to say..

Today is SUNDAY!!!!!why???!!!it sucks..although my lesson only starts at 1 tomorrow..but i think i gonna go to school early for library..i chose it as my choice..i was too lazy to have any..i don't really wanna!!!

Only gonna have IT lesson tomorrow..can go home at 3 afterwards..Cos my business fundamentals teacher got to go for a lucky...i don't like this subject..and when he started teaching..i was always almost falling asleep..*beat me up!!!* i shouldn't have been so inattentive..

I didn't enjoy much of my weekend..was doing many of them...all until i turned crazy..balance this and balance that..luckily my da jie assisted me on some of them..btw i bought new phone yesterday..i am available again!..

Kinda feel that my pals don't know me well..was disappointed and frustrated at the same time..ciao..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 3:22 pm |

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