Stranded Alone

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+29 November 1987
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+FRIENDS all 10 seasons DVD!!!!
+LFC Ladies Jacket
+A Backpack for school
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+The Body Shop Blusher Brush
+Shoes Shoes!
+Liverpool's jersey - Ladies' Wear!!
+Gerrard: My Autobiography!!
+Trip to Anfield, Liverpool!!
+Pass my exams!!!


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Edwin & Zieg
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Siti Nuraini

Sunday, June 26, 2005

untitled again..

Hey..i am back at 11+..going to bed real soon cos i gotta wake up at 7.30 tomorrow..boring...........why must have principal talk??!!my lesson only starts at 12 tomorrow..need to reach school at 9..sickening..

Shall talk about yesterday..well it was my cousin's ROM day..on a and my three other cousins were helping out on the decorations on the yacht..luckily the weather was fine..not too hot and sunny...after decorating..we went down to the 1st and carrissa jie jie were having a little bit of sea sick..especially when the yacht stopped..when it starts going round..we ( aloysius..laiwa*haha*..carrissa jie jie and me) decided to go up to the 2nd deck for fresh much better..i thought of going to the 3rd deck but carrissa jie jie was wearing skirt and her skirt kept flying we decided to stay at the 2nd..i was helping her to hold her skirt to prevent 'zhou guang'..haha..daphne jie jie was very pretty yesterday..she was wearing pink colour dinner will be held probably next year's feb or march..hope you and your husband will be happy always!!

After that..we went to my dua gu's house..playing mahjong..watching tv..i was soooo tired and was still moving like i was still on the yacht..too tired to play mahjong but i still played..lost a little..went home after that..yeah..haha..end of story..

My parents went for genting already..gonna miss fact i am missing them now..wednesday come quickly please...

Watched spider-man just now..that was the 5th time i had watched..ya..that's right..5th time..i am spider-man freak..i love it..and when uncle ben died i cried..when peter missed him i cried too...not the 1st time i cried for these..sob..was so emotional these!!

Gotta nite everybody..hello laiwa!!!saw my tagboard??!!!haha..ciao..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 11:38 pm |

Friday, June 24, 2005

i am so lost without my hp...

I was having a very bad gastric pain last night..bad until my whole face turned ''green''..i think that was the worst gastric pain ever...for me..I only felt better when i was going to bed..and so i missed the project superstar results show..but my da jie told me the results shortly..she said that sugianto cried very badly..i wasn't surprised on the outcome..the people who got voted out deserved to...oops...i did it again!!i don't know what i mean....

Was supposed to go out with ser and shirl after my school..but my stomach was feeling uneasy i decided to rest at home..

I am not going to send my phone to repair..the warranty was over and i think it will be expensive and not worth i gonna buy a new phone..only next week..after my parents come back from mum wanted to buy it today by instalment but her credit card limit left 500+ bucks..and the phone i want is 600+..that's nokia 7610..same as zieg's..wait for from sunday to wednesday i will use my dad's will be easier for my friends and classmates to contact me..

Shall tell u guys about the subjects i am studying..the first semster i gonna study 3 fundamentals..accounting fundamentals and was kinda boring..everyone seemed to be about to fall asleep and our teacher was a lame joker..but i don't find him funny at all..accounting was does IT..accounting can be accounting teacher is very young..i think she's only 20+..she's not bad looking..and her explanations were understandable..hopefully i will like it forever..wish me luck.......

Sorry ade..can't go to church thingy..tml is my cousin's engagement day..when i told her she said ''oh congratulations''..i returned a ''thank you'' if i am getting married..haha..gtg..i am so tired..ciao...

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 11:50 am |

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

2nd day of sch..

I cried yesterday..when i was talking on the phone with ade..because i felt lonely as nobody that i am really close is in the same class as i am..she console me..she told me that she cried too and even in school..then she called her pastor and she felt better after that..she told me that i would get used to it..i hope so..btw i love her sooooo much..

I forgot to say that azhar is also studying in the same college as me..wat a coincidence!!we were in the same primary and secondary school..even now we are still in the same school..haha

I met kelvin in the morning today..and once again we took bus didn't even stop because it was sooooooooo full..and then we were late..we reached school at abt 9.10..but it's ok as now we still don't have to tap our card on the reader..well..we need to tap our ez-link card on the card reader to state what time we reached and leaved school starting from next week..

Today i got to know more people..mostly chinese girls..they were nice..and hopefully they are going to be nice too in the future..only leaved school at 5pm..all because of stupid SAF talk..i was not interested at all..many people went home instead..i should not have went in to the auditorium..

Tomorrow i can't meet kelvin cos i am only going to school at 10 instead of 9..btw i got one lesson tomorrow..hope i would understand what the lecturer gonna say..ciao..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 6:55 pm |

Monday, June 20, 2005

first day of sch..

Today is the first day of my school..was going to have breakfast with zieg and i think ser and shirl were supposed to go too??!!i am not sure..but he messaged me and said he was not feeling well..THANK GOD!!i was too tired to wake up so early..btw hope u are feeling better now..

I met kelvin this morning at the bus stop where i take bus to school..he saw me..once again!!was so surprised to see him and also to find out that he's in the same sch as me..he's studying wireless technology..i don't know what course is that..haha..well there's only one bus for us to take to go to school..and that's 31..but there was too many ppl..we couldn't we decided to take bus no.10..then walked to's not very far anyway..was meeting sally..she alighted at the same bus stop as me but she's later than i went to school bus stop to wait for her..later then i realised that so many people that we know are studying in the same school..saw nick..sadiqah..harris..habibah..syahidah..but all different courses..

I am in the same class as aimi..but i am not close with her as u guys's ok..i met some new friends..although i only know some of them..majority i still don't know..i met aishah's friend!!jun..she's very nice..i kinda like her..

MY HANDPHONE SPOILED!!!ARHHHH!!!!..i couldn't switch on..but anyway i am meeting with kelvin and sally to go..bye...

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 7:02 pm |

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I am having a headache right now..

Went to buy school uniforms today..i chose white and grey button shirt..different design of black and blue skirts..

Oh ya..i cut my hair..i also bought my converse black shoes..the guy that served me was nice..there wasn't any seat for me to try the he was looking for a seat for me..finally he found it..haha..btw he's young and cute..LOL... monday is the day..i am DEAD!!!!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 8:43 pm |

Friday, June 10, 2005


Wednesday went to watch monster-in-law with shirl and was a nice i wish i got a boyfriend who is as romantic as kevin..lalala..

Oh ya..that day should not have go back home so early..i was being dragged to my father's mother's house..aka my my mum..sickening..i was unwilling to go along..but in end i went..

Upon hearing that i am also going to 4th uncle said that all the younger ones were lousy in studies..Mother Fucker..shit man..what the hell..HELLO!!!!at least i am better than that two other cousins ok??!!!i managed to get into accounting course..and what is the mummy's boy going to study??its NURSING ok??!!and the other one?he quit school!!I AM GOING TO PROOF TO YOU THAT I CAN STUDY AND I WOULD GO TO POLY ONE DAY!!!but i would study for myself AND not for you..

Well..that day he wasn't was my granny who said that..she said that in teochew so i wasn't very sure if she was saying THAT i asked my mum by texting on my phone asking her ''did she just said that i was lousy in my studies?''..she nod her head..i was damn angry..i thought my granny was the one who said that but it was my uncle..FINE..

10 more days to go..ciao..

PS. sorry for scolding vulgar..i seldom do that..but i was really angry..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 3:07 pm |

Monday, June 06, 2005

ba zhan jie..

Yesterday went to my aunt's house to ''bao ba zhan''..wrap rice dumplings..they wrapped a's scary..but luckily it were shared among many families..

I also helped to do the flower stuff for daphne jie jie's wedding..she's getting engaged on 26 june..on a yacht..on that day i also got to go there early to help

14 days to go..sick..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 2:08 pm |

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