Stranded Alone

+Camilla Therese Lim
+Miss Cammy
+BIG 2-0!
+29 November 1987
+Liverpool fanatic!
+My Family & Friends
+Liverpool FC
+Steven Gerrard
+TV & Movies


+FRIENDS all 10 seasons DVD!!!!
+LFC Ladies Jacket
+A Backpack for school
+Bags Bags Bags!!
+The Body Shop Blusher Brush
+Shoes Shoes!
+Liverpool's jersey - Ladies' Wear!!
+Gerrard: My Autobiography!!
+Trip to Anfield, Liverpool!!
+Pass my exams!!!


March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008




Edwin & Zieg
Fat Moo Moo
Simple Plan
Siti Nuraini

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Almost got a heart attack

I was shocked..really really shocked..after watching the results show of american idol..

Constantine was voted off!!what the hell man?!and Scott was in the top group??eeee..that was disgusting..his performance sucks..a lot..big time..i kinda like Anthony cos he's cute..haha..he's way better than Scott i must say..

I actually woke up at 1.30pm today!!i thought that it was still in the morning as i didn't hear my alarm rings..but the phone kept ringing..i assumed that someone will answer..but no one did..i checked out my phone..oh no!!wat?? surprised..i seldom sleep until so late..

Well..i only went to bed at 4.30am..watched champions league match..between Chelsea and Liverpool..goalless draw..but it was interesting..really..i almost got a heart attack!!haha..btw Edwin Cai jie jie..Steven Gerrard cute hor..haha..

Yesterday morning woke up at 8am to go swimming with ade and ser..was so tired..ser and i was so lazy to go..but we did go in the end..the sun was damn strong..very hot..after swimming ate lunch..went to ade's hse..played with her cute..stayed until around 6.30pm..

You'll Never Walk Alone..hahaha..Liverpool rules!!bye..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 5:49 pm |

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

wow and yewkkkkkk

Anyone miss me??haha..i bet feet

Back home about an hour ago..the weather was damn hot..hate it..had a shower again when i reached home..

Yesterday went to watch ''guess who'' with ade..before that met zieg to pass him some things..he cut his hair again..haha..nice i must say..oh ya..went to cineleisure to watch that movie..kinda romantic..i like..ashton kutcher is a white man named simon whose girlfriend is a black lady..theresa..her father percy didn't really like him because of race problem when he met him..but simon is romantic!!how i wish i got such a boyfriend..haha..after movie i was too tired to go shopping went back to tampines to change something for my mum..went to charles & keith to look for a pair of nice shoes but to no avail..disappointed..

Thought of going to watch smallville at ade's house which she recorded but its kinda late already so i suggested that i shall go to her house again on wednesday..which is tomorrow..haha..but i did go to her house..ate packed dinner with her..she sent me to the bus stop at 8.30pm..i wanna catch the 9pm show..there were so many cats at her scary..haha.. went to my new school..ITE college east..the school is big and nice..can use ''wow'' to express feelings..but the people there can only use one word..''yewkkkkk''..lotsa ah liansss and bengsss..don't know how m i gonna survive when i start my school..hopefully my class won't be that bad..

After those photo-taking and fees payment..went to bedok with

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 6:25 pm |

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Arhhh!!!Liverpool lost to Crystal Palace!!Ridiculous..was damn frustrated watching this match just now..

Btw i m back..

It has been almost two weeks since i last blog..was too lazy and tired to do so..i m now officially jobless..AGAIN!!finished my job on thursday..can finally rest and slack at home before my school starts on 20 June..but got no more income..

Had been talking on the phone with ade for days since last week..always talked for hours before hanging up..miss her so much..gonna go out with her soon..can't wait for it..she quit her job on monday and finished it on thursday..same as me!!haha..she hate that job..

Gotta go to my new school on pay my first term fees..and also take photo for a new ez-link card..don't know whether i need to take colour recognition test or not..based on course requirement..i doubt so..

Got nothing much to say..btw feet..when u came back here from malaysia..i wanna tell u that i can let u have Pierre..haha..i got three other

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 12:17 am |

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Can't think of any title..

Joke of the day..

Sunday 8am in the da jie suddenly jumped down from her bed to wake me up..she thought it was already monday..forgot to set alarm..i was like ''huh??why are u waking me up so early?''i thought i heard the wrong time..but i checked out my phone's time..yes!!it was 8am!!then finally she realised that it was sunday and went back to sleep..guessed she's too stressed out cos her boss came back on monday..haha..

My mummy called me this afternoon while i was working..she was telling me that my march pay came in already..thank god..i got more money to prepare for shopping..haha..speaking of money..on sunday night was watching the NKF charity show and i was keep wondering why were the sponsors always giving out all those prizes and money to those people who called to donate..hello..this is for charity..u should not give out all those prizes and money..should donate it to NKF instead..some people called just to win those stupid things and took advantage of it..all right..ciao..btw PIERRE IS MINE!!!!!MUHAHAHA..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 9:14 pm |

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Yeah..changed a new blogskin..featuring Simple Plan..haha..i m really crazy over them now..btw shirl helped me changed it..

Hmm..tomorrow gotta work again..have to wake up early..weekends are just too short for me..oh ya..i left just 10 files to probably only need to work for another two weeks..after that i will be free!!can't wait for it..

Was disappointed this morning after i found out that Liverpool lost to Manchester City..1-0..they scored at the last minute..haiz..what shocked me the most was Manchester United actually lost to Norwich by 2-0..oh no..haha..zieg must be super well as my super funny friend edwin..haha..reporter cai..tks for telling me the champions league's results that two days..u gotta tell me again this coming week..hehee..gonna stop here..have to mop the floor dad is coming back home..bye..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 5:35 pm |

Monday, April 04, 2005


Hey hey..i m here again..oh ya..i put a tag board..finally u may think..come on and tag..yeah man..ser taught me how to do that..tks ser..well well..this morning found out that Everton lost to West Brom..muahahaha..if u don't know what i was talking abt..well it's soccer..again..ya..i love watching soccer..u may think i m a tomboy for sure..but u know what..i m not..haha..sorry for being crappy here..

Last Saturday was watching Liverpool vs Bolton's da jie as in eldest sis was there in the living room with me..but she ain't watching soccer..she was reading newspaper..magazines and all sorts of things..i was like waiting for Liverpool to score..the first half of the match was quite bored..they didn't play very well..second half a lot better..finally in the 85th minute..Liverpool scored!!!!yeah..i was celebrating with my pet..well ok..a fake pet..the foooy or foody..i don't know what is it's name..which my s club 7+1 friends gave me for my 17th birthday..had been hugging it everyday ever since da jie said it's my ''pet''..ok..back to the topic..i shouted ''yeah''..''goal''..raised my ''pet'' up..shaked it in the da jie said i was crazy..haha..i was happy what..and i was always like the points between Liverpool and Everton is just ONE POINT!!!hehee..Liverpool can definitely claim the 4th spot.. work eyes was so tired..and it started raining early would be so nice if i got to sleep in the morning..i always set my alarm at 7.05am..but i only managed to wake up at almost 7.30am every weekday..haha..i would only wake up if my mum woke me up..i just don't want to accept the fact it's a new day for work again!!boring..this caused me to reach office at 9.15-9.20 work starts at 9 though..haha..

Went to Subway for lunch this afternoon with cindy my manager and serene my collegue..first time eating that..ya..first time..what a freak..don't really like it afterall..a lot of caucasians eat that..then serene was looking at a caucasian guy..quite handsome..haha..i agreed with her..rarely saw any handsome caucasian guy at tanjong pagar..then i told her that i saw even more handsome ones in airport..cindy was saying ok later i will go there to look for it..haha..well she went for shanghai at a 4.55pm flight..for business trip..

Finally it was 6pm...time to go home..yipee..took train back to bedok..was hoping to see my cousin but i didn't got to see her..perhaps i was earlier than her..when Simple Plan's songs were played on my mp3 player..i was still thinking abt their concert that i wish that concert never gonna end..the meet and greet session seemed so short to Pierre so much..haha..that's my day..ciao..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 9:46 pm |

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