Stranded Alone

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Edwin & Zieg
Fat Moo Moo
Simple Plan
Siti Nuraini

Thursday, March 31, 2005


Well well..ytd went to Simple Plan's concert!!it was really amazing and i had a great time..I MET SIMPLE PLAN IN PERSON!!!!ARHH..that's crazy..they signed their autograph on my green simple plan tshirt and album..took pics with them..arhhh..AND I GOT TO HUG CHUCK!!!ARHHH...that's even crazier..i regretted for not taking pic with David..haiz..don't really had the time to do so..I LOVE PIERRE ESPECIALLY!!haha..took 2 pics with him..OH MY GOD!!they are so cute esp Pierre..hehee..but too bad the pics were not nice enough..of coz i was the one who's not nice..the meet and greet session wasn't very long cos they had to prepare the concert..
when me n shirl went into the concert..Pug Jelly were performing the opening show..the music were so loud that both of us just couldn't hear what each other was talking abt..we had to type it on our phone to understand one and first we couldn't find fitri,ser and tanna cos there were too many ppl..but i don't know how tanna managed to find us in the end..yeah..we were reunited..haha..when Pug Jelly finished singing and went back to backstage..our ears were blocked..oh no..haha..waited very long finally Simple Plan came out!!
they started off singing ''Shut Up!'' favourite song the same time..i felt i was so short suddenly..people at the front seemed to be tall..i said i should have wear heels..haha..but i kept jumping and jumping so luckily i didn't wear heels..yes..i was and fitri were just crazy..insane..mad and whatever..we were just enjoying the concert so much..shirl and ser couldn't stand the loudness so they went to the back..
they played a lot of nice songs..i just couldn't get enough of them..i guess everybody felt the same way as i was..and ya..i realised that fitri was even crazier than i was..when nobody's shouting she shouted very loudly..i was keep laughing at her..and a guy in front of me..he jumped very weirdly..very girly..haha
time really flies..the concert ended with a great song ''Perfect''..that was just a perfect concert..i love ended at abt 10.50pm..hoped that would last forever..i reached home at 12 midnite..took taxi back home..2dae didn't go 2 wrk again..cos a little bit of muscle ache and didn't sleep well last ears are still abit block rite nw..all right..that's all..I LOVE SIMPLE PLAN!!!

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 3:27 pm |

Sunday, March 27, 2005


I was really very sad ytd nite..i m still upset abt it..had a big fight wif my parents n 2nd sis..over tv..quite a stupid reason to fight u may think..but it happened to me..i wanted to watch soccer which was live but my sis was watchin korean drama on cable tv at the same time..we couldn't split the tv into half so there was no solution to solve face turned VERY parents wanted me to let my sis watch cos i always forever watchin tv..what's the problem to let me watch tv??i told her that the korean drama would repeat tml which is 2dae but she answered ''what m i gonna watch then?''..y can't she let me watch..i was SO angry n stomped back to my room..slammed the door n turned the radio's volume big..threw the things that she gave me towards the dad came in to my room..he said that i was spoiled by them..other ppl grew up n became more sensible than b4..y was i the opposite...i became worse..this sentence i heard a dozen times..but this time was the most hurtful moment..i actually cried for almost an hr..i jus don't know tears jus came dwn easily ytd nite..i stopped crying for a while..opened my room's door n threw the things at the living dad came in again..he wanted me to pick it up..i refused..i noe he was really angry but i jus don't want to listen..actually i was so afraid that it would affect his health frm shouting at me..he's old already n he has high blood pressure..i cried again when he told me ''don't call me dad again'' hurted me once again..then later my mum came in to lecture me..i asked y she came back home ytd..she was always nt at home on saturday..y??i jus think that it was so unreasonable..y i was always the one who is in wrong n she is always the right one..i smsed my mum after they left my room..knowing that she will only see it next morning..i told her she was so biased..forever like this..n i nv been spoiled b4 becos nobody like me at all!!i wanted to put one more sentence that is ''i hate u''..but i didn't..i jus couldn't..after that smsed zieg to wish him happy bdae..i told him abt it n cried at the same time..thank u zieg for consoling me..but my eyes swollen when i woke up this morning..u told me not to hurt my eyes..i guess i did..all right..that's all..bye..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 4:16 pm |

Friday, March 25, 2005

Tirin day...

Hey..i jus created my blog..becos of wanna try it out..well..tok abt ytd's trip..went to suntec convention hall to participate in a Simple Plan's contest..n becos of this stuff..i actually took a day off frm wrk..weird or desperate har?well..this is me..i can be crazy over things like that..ok..i went out late ytd..wanna meet zieg at 12.45pm at simei mrt where he took train frm..but i actually stepped out frm my hse at 12.50pm!haha..sori zieg cos i m always late when meetin him..when i reached the platform of tampines train station..edwin called me n said that he was still at the bus stop near his hse!when me n zieg reached citylink mall he sms-ed me that he was still at little india..wat a funny friend of mine..we decided not to wait for him n walked to suntec instead cos i gonna be late..ok that contest actually required me to wear a green Simple Plan's tshirt..den ppl will cm n find us in order to win a pair of concert tix..there were only 10 ppl wear that tshirt includin me..i asked shirl,ser,zieg,edwin n benji to find me cos i wanna win the tix..i was told to hide under the desk of the reception counter which was empty..i called shirl to tell her where i cheat ya..but a lot of ppl did the same thing as i was..they found me!yeah..tks to ser n shirl..they each helped me won a pair of tix..btw carrie chong hosted the show..she's so pretty n n shirl took pics wif her..she guessed rite that we r friends..haha..after e gigs..we went to plaza singapura for lunch..i called fitri to tell her the good news..she was damn happy n tried to shout loudly but she couldn't cos she was at aishah's hse..i wanna win the tix for her cos she wanted to go but her parents dun allowed her to..the reason was nw no worries ya..we went to edwin's hse to fix the puzzle that we bought for gary's bdae..the puzzle is so cute..winnie the pooh n friends..i luv eeyore..edwin is so biased..haha..well i only helped out a little cos i dun hv the patient to finish a puzzle..i m a impatient choice..we stayed there until abt 11.30pm..when we board the bus..i den realised my Simple Plan's goodies were wif to take them frm him tml..oh ya..took bus no. 27 frm sengkang back to tampines..i walked hm frm blk 938..i was walkin very fast cos i was afraid of CATS!!i met two cats on my way scary..but i managed to escape..haha..tml think i gonna go out..cos accompanyin zieg to celebrate his bdae..that means i gonna miss my football match..-_-''..haha..ok that's all for 2dae..its tv time!bye..

-C.a.m.m.Y+P.a.t.h.e.d- | 4:21 pm |

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